< Schedule
02/14/2018 – 02/14/2018
2018: Simi Valley Quilt Guild
Event Details
I will be returning to the Simi Valley Quilt Guild in 2018 to share my new lecture, Are You Crushing Your Creative-a-tiv-i-ty? This guild has meetings the second Wednesday of the month in the evening, 7:30 pm at the Simi Valley Senior Center.
For additional information, check out their website: http://simivalleyquiltguild.org
A workshop TBD is scheduled for the following day.
They have a beautiful OPPORTUNITY QUILT 2016/17 called: California Contemporary Log Cabin – – – 80″ square. Tickets are available: Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5
Contact their President: Sue Singer Sues089@gmail.com