< Schedule
2018: Valley Oak Quilt Guild in Tulare, CA
Event Details
How exciting! Valley Oaks has invited me back again, this time to share my second lecture which actually builds on the first… Cre-a-tiv-i-ty. I will be speaking there on August 9, 2018. Valley Oaks has a morning meeting, so hope to see you all there.
Here is their opportunity quilt…
The Opportunity Quilt is the Guild’s major money-making activity. A committee chairperson is chosen to oversee the project for the year. Members assist with the piecing of blocks, appliqué and assembly. Once the top is completed, the hand quilting is done as a quilting bee to demonstrate the art of quilting at events throughout the year. Tickets (opportunities to win) are sold to the general public at these events. As a requirement of guild membership, each member is required to sell a minimum number of tickets; and the ticket fee is collected at the time dues are paid. The Opportunity Quilt drawing is held at the December meeting of the Guild. The funds from the sale of these tickets are used to underwrite quilt events and Komforters for Kids.
To make arrangements and buy a ticket, contact my friend Diane Ruby at luvtoquilt@comcast.net
for an opportunity to win this beautiful quilt in a drawing at the December 4, 2017 meeting.